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플랑크톤을 먹고 자라는 어류가 오메가의 균형을가져올것이라 예상하지만, 전 세계 식품 어류시장은 2009년을 기준으로 양식이 50%를 넘었습니다.

수치는 늘 전혀 다른 모습의 이면을 갖습니다. 이상적인 오메가 6와 3의 비율은 1:1 이지만, 수입소의 경우 128:1 까지 치솟습니다. 이는 본래의 먹이가 아니라, 사람의 필요로 인해 먹을 거리를 바꾸는 일 때문인데요. 풀위주로 곡물을 약간만 섭취하는 가축에게 곡물만을, 플랑크톤을 먹고 자라는 어류에게 GM콩사료를, 먹이기 때문인데요. 

이는 억지로 오메가3와 6 비율을 1:1로 돌리는 것에서 해결 된다기 보다. 억지적 순환을 버리는 일부터 시작해야 합니다.

플랑크톤을 먹고 자라는 어류가 오메가의 균형을가져올것이라 예상하지만, 전 세계 식품 어류시장은 2009년을 기준으로 양식이 50%를 넘었습니다.

어류 양식에 쓰이는 GM 사료는 바다를 따라 야생어류에게 또 우리에게 돌아 올지 모를 일입니다. 

"보고서는 실제로 대두제품을 먹인 양식 물고기는 배설물을 더 많이 배출하기 때문에 물고기 사료에 어분이나 유지를 사용하는 것보다 양어장 주변의 환경에 훨씬 더 큰 부담을 줄 수 있다고 지적했다. 미국 및 다른 여러 나라에서 재배하는 대두의 94%는 GM품종이며, 개방된 연안 양식장의 경우 여분의 사료가 바다로 흘러들어가기 때문에 양식되는 물고기에게 대두사료를 주는 것은 GM성분을 환경에 유입시키는 행위이며 또 야생에 존재하는 물고기들도 그 사료를 먹게 된다."


소는 풀을 먹고 자라야 합니다

적토우 http://www.doolbob.co.kr/544


Report condemns use of soy in fish feed

Click on the flag for more information about United StatesUNITED STATES 
Wednesday, July 04, 2012, 22:50 (GMT + 9)

Genetically modified (GM) soy is now being used in feed for farmed fish -- and Food & Water Watch smells trouble. 

Food & Water Watch has released a study called Factory-Fed Fish: How the Soy Industry is Expanding into the Sea, which postulates that while the US soy industry may make hefty profits from the expansion of its product into fish farming, the shift from wild fish to soy in fish feed does not actually ensure the fish produced will be consistently healthy, or even that the practice of using soy in feed will promote ecological responsibility. 

In fact, the report notes, because fish fed soy produces more waste, using soy in fish feed -- instead of fishmeal and oil -- could result in an even larger pollution load on the environment surrounding these farms.

Soy plant. (Photo: Food & Water Watch )

As 94 per cent of the soy grown in the US (and in many other countries) is genetically engineered (GE) and because in open ocean aquaculture, uneaten feed flows into the sea, feeding soy to farmed fish will allow GM good to enter the environment and be eaten by wild fish populations.

In September 2011, the Illinois Soybean Association issued a press release announcing a new marine fish farm project that would “revolutionise sustainable agriculture.” It was referring to soy-based fish feed.

However, Food & Water Watch says that there has been little public scrutiny of the claims made about soy constituting a sustainable alternative to feed based on wild fish. Factory-Fed Fish is the first report to address the relationship between the soy and “factory fish farming” industries, the group states.

The NGO uses its report to express concerns that the soy industry’s collaboration with aquaculture will exacerbate the negative effects of both sectors by continuing to degrade marine habitats and threaten wild fish stocks and coastal communities -- and also foster massive deforestation and the spread of genetically modified crops in the US and abroad.

In addition, the report explores the following problems with using soy for fish feed: issues of indigestibility and nutrient deficiency, potential impacts of the marine environment, missing omega-3s, and issues with soy consumption in human diets.

Food & Water Watch recommends that consumers limit their consumption to wild seafood from well-managed fisheries or sustainable aquaculture operations, and oppose federal agencies’ efforts to allow commercial fish farming operations in US waters.